AMAzon shopping list
For all of the Amazon lovers!
24” Reptisun T5 UVB fixture & 5.0 bulb: Make sure your UVB bulb is linear and not a circular/compact bulb
Solarmeter 6.5R: Used to measure your UV Index to check if your UVB bulb is still working and your chameleon is in the safe levels
Infrared thermometer gun: A super accurate tool to measure temperature
Smart plug: Used to turn your lights on/off automatically
Manual mister: A great misting option if you don’t want to get an automatic misting system
Digital hygrometer: Used to measure humidity
Reptivite with D3 multivitamin: This is the multivitamin I use and recommend (should be used 2x a month for veiled and panthers and 1x a month for Jackon’s)
Feeder cup: Great feeder cup for worm & roaches (doesn’t work well with crickets)
Branches: I get my branches from outside and clean them, but Amazon does sell them if you live somewhere that doesn’t have non-sap producing trees
XL Reptibreeze enclosure: Great enclosure to use for veiled, panther, and Jackson’s chameleons
Zilla Reflector Dome heat bulb fixture: This will hold your heat bulb
60W Exo Terra heat bulb: This heat bulb allows your chameleon to warm up and bask
Arcadia Jungle Dawn plant LED light: This light helps your plants
MistKing misting system: This is my #1 automatic misting system to recommend
Fogger for nighttime humidity: Foggers are for helping raise your nighttime humidity to 70-100% (very helpful if you live somewhere dry or struggle to raise the humidity)
Calcium without D3: This should be used every time you feed your chameleon unless you are using a multivitamin that day
Bee pollen: This is considered a super food and can be used for gutloading and supplementing
Shelving unit: This is what I keep my enclosures on