CLosed eyes during the daytime are never good
Chameleons do not take naps. If your chameleon is closing their eyes during the daytime then something is wrong.
REasons why your chameleon’s eyes might be closed:
1. IT’s nighttime and they’re sleeping
Chameleons sleep with their eyes closed so it’s totally normal for them to close their eyes at night. Chameleons do not take naps or sleep during the daytime so if that’s happening, please review the reasons below to help determine the potential cause.
2. They’re getting used to their new home
If your new chameleon is still in their first couple days or even two weeks of coming home they will sometimes close their eyes as they get used to their new home. Do your best to leave them alone and make sure their enclosure is set up correctly. If they don’t open their eyes after a day or two please review the other reasons below.
3. You have the incorrect UVB bulb
Please check out this page to learn about proper supplementation.
4. You’re using the incorrect supplements
Please check out this page to learn about proper supplementation.
5. They don’t have enough hiding places
If your chameleon is feeling exposed and does not have enough hiding places then they will close their eyes because they are stressed. Remember any empty space is unused space and it should be hard to find your chameleon in their enclosure. Learn how to attach plants and branches here.
6. You’re holding them
Sometimes chameleons will close their eyes when we’re holding them. This is not something that is cute and they’re not sleeping. They are so stressed out that their body is shutting down and they are giving up the will to live. Immediately stop handling your chameleon if this happens and do not handle your chameleon close to their bedtime.
7. They have an upper respiratory infection
One of the first symptoms of a URI is a chameleon tilting their head up and making a wheezing, popping noise. As the URI progresses, they will start to close their eyes and you need to take your chameleon to the vet ASAP. Learn the signs of a sick chameleon.
8. They’re dying
A chameleon that is on death’s door will have closed eyes along with weak grip, sunken in cheeks, discoloration, etc. Once a chameleon reaches this point, it’s almost impossible to save them — rush them to an emergency vet ASAP.